(Back row, L to R: Jessica, Perry, Kim, Annalise, Kara, Henry, Ty, Tim, Joe, Aaron T., Carey, Middle Row: Michelle, Sydney, Carrie, Vanessa, Claudia, Julia, Daniel, Steven, Ali, Allison, Aaron M., Susan, Front row: Gina, Cadie, ME, and Bill)
What a group. I will miss every single person in this photo! I am so thankful for Facebook, I don't want to lose any of these fabulous new friends...
Okay. Week five FLEW by! Monday and Tuesday were shopping days, so like usual they were busy and fast. Come Wednesday, it was practically time to close down camp, Cadie and I were already preparing for the end of the year FEAST (dinner is such and understatement). Thursday was all cleaning and cooking (and Mike came), and then Friday, we packed it in and went home. It really felt that fast.
It must have been because it was the final week, but Cadie and I had a little fun on our last down the hill shopping trip Monday. After shopping at Costco to get our last block of cheese, case of baby wipes, and feast items (oh, and to repair another flat tire, 14th of the field season) we met with Mark Woodson who showed us around the grove and picked us fresh zucchini and basil. The Grove is awesome! In addition to a huge farm full of good stuff, they have goats and chickens, and the historical Barton schoolhouse is on the grounds.

Tuesday was our last visit to the awesomatic Big Bear farmer's market. I was so sad to say goodbye to our favorite vendors, especially Adelina's fruit stand (her partner is the guy who made the comment about not knowing how many chickens they have because of "bobcats and stuff"). We bought bags and bags of fresh peaches (more on this later).

We also took the group picture because Bill left that day for Peru (lucky!). Here are some pics from Tuesday morning:

Walking through the meadow, Gina with the Golden Metate

(Team A)

(Team B)

(Team C, Chupacabras)

(Cadie and Natalie: Team Wipe Your Plate Clean)
I didn't even take a single picture on Wednesday. I did do something unprecedented in Field school history. I took TWO naps. I knew how crazy Thursday and Friday would be, so I tried my best to get lots of rest! It was great.
Thursday morning we made sourdough pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Mmm...

SO MUCH FOOD! We have some traditions for our last FEAST together every field season. Daniel McCarthy BBQs a turkey and Cadie and I like to make some traditional dishes along with holiday-esque favorites. Marilyn made real lemonade, I made nopales and the students made wiwish (acorn mush) from scratch along with blood orange glazed ham, beans, green beans, sourdough biscuits, deviled eggs, polish beets, roasted red and sweet potatoes, roasted red pepper and goat cheese dip with blackened vegetables, guacamole, and salsa. It makes me full just remembering all the good eats. And it was great cooking with everyone. Sydney was in that kitchen with Cadie and I since day one, and she helped so much with the last meal. yes, this is a shout out: Thanks Syd!!!

(Daniel and his turkey, Sydney darling)
Remember those bags and bags of fresh organic peaches from Adelina, our favorite farmer's market vendor? Well, with the help of Carrie and Julia, I made three pans of peach cobbler for dessert. I liberally showered the peaches and sourdough topping with handfulls of brown sugar, and I even topped the pans with more brown sugar for good measure... Unfortunately, the brown sugar turned out to be unleached acorn flour used to make the wiwish. I turned what should have been a beautiful peach cobbler into an inedible bitter cake. The horror!!!

(Will label bags in the future)
After dinner, everyone gathered around the fire for awards and to just hang out. We exchanged our favorite (and least favorite) field school memories. Tim and Allison tied for the Golden Marshalltown Award, which is given to the person (or people in this case) you'd most like to work with in the future. Carey a.k.a. "The Guy" won the Indiana award for student most likely to roll with the punches and a rattlesnake skin. I wanted to stay up late with everyone, but I knew how crazy Friday would be, so Mike and I went to bed early. The students slept in the meadow together (locos!)...

On Friday morning we broke down camp:

I had an incredible time getting to know everyone. I will post more pictures and stories in a week or two. For now, I'm off to Tucson with Cadie for a week! Please feel free to send me your stories and/or photos you'd like me to post @ natalieikahn@yahoo.com
I love you guys!!!