Saturday, July 16, 2011

Week 2: What I can remember...

Here's another picture stolen from my friend Mark Woodson... He spent this last week (week 3) with Cadie while I was sleeping in and eating food cooked by other people in San Diego (more on that later)... I leave tomorrow morning for week four, and I promise to take some notes because after a week of sun, swimming, fish tacos, and a few drinks- I have forgotten 97.4% of the goings-on of week 2. But, I will try to piece it all back together...

Week 2: Storms and Sister. Our week starts on Sunday. And because Independence Day fell on a Monday, Cadie and I decided to cook up a big BBQ Sunday to give us plenty of prep time, and to allow visitors/friends/family to join us. Burgers, hot dogs, cole slaw, potato salad, deviled eggs, and pineapple upside down cake (and probably more, but no camera/bad memory). It was all really good. I think that in the field- the classics taste so good!
Monday was interesting. Usually Cadie and I do all of our major shopping, but because of the holiday, many of our store were closed, so we somehow put together another dinner of shrimp curry, basmati rice, green beans, and naan. And later that evening, a little after 10 p.m., my SISTER and her friend, the magnificent Molly, arrived!!! The girls had come all the way from Charlotte, North Carolina, and I was ecstatic that they made our camp one of their stops (for more on their roadtrip, you can visit Molly's blog here:
It was Sarah's first time camping, and she did great. After a couple glasses of wine, she slept in a tent! It reminded me of my first times camping. Our family aren't exactly "outdoors" types. Not at all, actually.
Tuesday was great too. Cadie gave me the morning and afternoon off to spend time with my sis, and Mike was still in camp too (he took an extra day off!). Mike took the girls to the excavation site and a rock art site while Cadie and I planned our weekly menu and shopping trip. When they got back, we drove into Idyllwild for lunch at my hippie place. The girls left from there, which was totally sad, but I've never ever seen Sarah look so tired, and I really understood her need for civilization. Mike and I returned to camp and the second rainstorm to help prepare pesto pasta with grilled chicken, steamed artichokes, and ratatouille. Mike grilled the chicken in the pouring rain, and it was the bomb.
I can hardly remember what happened on Wednesday other than I had a nap after lunch (a rarity), but was rudely awoken by the LOUDEST thunder I've ever heard. I mean LOUD. It made me sit straight up in bed, like in the dang movies! Dinner? No idea.
Thursday? Oh! Yes, I remember we made a trip out to Anza (only about 15 miles away) to make a trip to our farmer's market, hardware store (to replace some broken screens), and to refill 5 propane tanks... And I got a burrito ;) Dinner? No idea.
Friday was a blur of cornmeal pancakes, bacon, leftovers for lunch, and a happy ride down the hill thanks to Dr. Sapp. Very happy because I was only a couple days away from San Diego (and moments away from a hot bath!)...

1 comment:

  1. I love Idyllwild and yes it is EXTRA hippie dippie! I love the little cafes there. I am so proud of Sari sleeping in a tent!
